Added: Career Guide!

I’ve added a Career Guide to the files! This Career Guide serves 2 purposes; to help Wardens quickly flesh out NPCs encountered by players, and to help new players with creating a single-Career character on the fly. Abilities can be rolled for as needed. Each Career contains:

  • Common knowledge: Things that someone with this Career is likely to know. This is also a tool for players - a list of valid questions to ask the Warden, to make sure the character and the player know roughly the same things.
  • Skills: A list of Skills this Career can pick from. Skills are found in the core rules. Skills are optional - they add a new layer of depth to play, but can also be gathered later as opposed to picking them at the start of play.
  • Trinkets: An interesting weightless item found on this character upon creation.
  • Example Starting Gear: An interpretation of the parameters for equipping a new character from the core rules. If a player picks this Career, they start with these items.
  • Debt: Something that weighs on the character. Can be rolled for (1D3) or chosen by the player, or used by the Warden for inspiration for NPCs.
  • Archetype: More extensive variations of the core idea behind the Career. Can be used as inspiration by both Warden and players

Beyond this, the Version 2 - Full Professional Layout Edition is coming along as well! Have a teaser:


Career Guide.html 78 kB
39 days ago
Career Guide.pdf 618 kB
39 days ago

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